Wednesday 17 July 2013

Oil Painting Summer Scene

Im painting this scene with a summer twist, in oils. I will post up some pictures of progress as soon as I get started

Friday 12 July 2013

Onni Masks - Our unique spiritual masks

Enchanted Art specialism is the creation of what we have named the Onni Mask. These quirky masks are made from either pieces of driftwood washed up on the shores of Devon and Somerset; or they are made from reclaimed wood. Reclaimed wood is wood that would end up thrown away as junk and wood we have foraged from the floors of our woods and forests.

Our Onni Masks have been on a journey and there final resting place depends on you. These masks started life as tree's giving us life through releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. They then went on a journey, across land and sea. Some became other products before ending up in our workshop, others spent life floating around the oceans and seas to be washed up on our beaches.

Whatever journey they took, we are blessed to have these pieces of earths gifts, we took them in, cared for them, cleaned them up and gave life to them. Each mask has its own unique character and would look great on the mantle-piece, your lounge wall, or the front of your house.

Your mask is waiting here for you, so take a look, a give a mask a new home.

These Masks are £28 with free postage and packaging in the UK

Friday 5 July 2013

Moving to Somerset

We are on the move.....

Currently based in Plymouth, Devon, we came to the decision to relocate our business out of the city to more tourist based climes.

After much consideration, discussion and deliberations we settled on Minehead, Somerset. Minehead is a lovely seaside resort on the west coast of Somerset. It is steeped in history and is the home to the famous holiday camp called Butlins.

If all goes well we should be moving in late August, so over the next few weeks we are going to be busy packing up our art materials carefully as well as our driftwood collection which in itself will take a van full to move.

Until then I shall be blogging about art related subjects rather than our own endeavours. With a bit of planning we may get to still produce the odd piece. I hope so as six weeks without doing art is going to be very hard indeed.

A little taster is this fantastic website called you can subscribe monthly and has tutors covering all sorts of subjects and media type. The lessons are delivered in video format and seem to be quite good, indepth and easy to follow.

Give it a try

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Commissioned painting in oil, process.....

Today I don't feel like doing anything.....instead I did this

Temporary Tent Studio to cosy little shed studio

Yesterday we sent hours sorting out our little studio with two work stations and shelves ect, it was long, hot and hard work but we finally got there....

In other news, we are relocating fingers crossed to Minehead, Somerset. Should take about 8 weeks if all goes to plan.

Monday 17 June 2013

Sick Bed

Its been a bad week here at Enchanted Art, we have all been very ill, not much of a productive week.
However, I got a new art app on my iPad called 'Paper 53'.

So with that in mind and coupled with a dose of C4 Documentary 'Confessions of an Alien Abductee its no wonder I produced this as my first sketch on the app......